After I had established how I was representing each element of data I started building my dashboards. I started focusing on my first one which was Screen Time to help establish the layout I want to use which will not only look aesthetically pleasing but is not overcrowded and represents the data well.
My first trial of creating a layout was miles away from being perfect!! It was very overcrowded and nothing really lined up so it did not look great at all. However ever design has to start somewhere so this is a good starting place getting all the different components on the dashboard and gives me a good starting place to work on from!!
After a discussion with Kyle, I added a grid and rearranged the elements of my dashboard to create a less cluttered look and feel and help spread the data out. Some of the little things I did to improve this was making the line chart wide, rounding up the numbers for time and there was less squished up text and working on overall spacing and further aligning it.
I then added lines to help break up each diagrammatic or infographic element and help it look less like a page of graphs and more like an infographic dashboard. However I was not happy at all with how this looked as it looked almost too spacious and just did not look right. To try and generate some more ideas I went back to my research mood board of existing infographics to get a better feel of how I could lay it out.
After a further look back at my research and sketches, I ended up keeping the same layout for the infographics but removing the lines which broke each area up and boxed each diagram off to itself. I also changed the colour of the background to allow the informatic in the white boxes to stand out a bit more without needing to add a dark shadowing to it. Of course this is nowhere near a finished piece as I have little bits of work on and I want to investigate a better way to lay out and display the typography in my navigation bar.
These are the screens I am putting forward for critique. There is a lot of small improvements that I would like to make as well as adding more interactivity elements which I have not met as I have fallen a little behind my schedule.