For me this module has been a real rollercoaster however I am quite happy with both of my project outcomes. I definitely feel like I have developed my skills throughout this module and I have learned a lot about why narrative and storytelling is so important not only for our own projects but also within the industry. Despite how others felt about the topic of Apollo 11 for the module, I really liked it as although I had some prior knowledge I was also able to learn so much more through my research not only about that mission but the whole program and NASA as a whole. I also really enjoyed having the creative freedom of being able to choose our own style as it allowed each person to express the same story differently and although I chose to go down a more National Space themed colour scheme and use of photography, mine looked nothing like anyone else.

What went really well for me was my website, despite originally choosing to do an E-Book I made a swift change to a website and I am so glad I chose to. It allowed me to expand my knowledge on Framer especially when it came to transitional effects but also understand how the auto layout works which I could not wrap my head around before! It is a piece of work I am really proud of. My immersive prototype also went well although I just do not feel like it stand out as well as my website but it allowed me to learn more about how to use filters and settings to change the image colour, make the image more bright and eye catching or more subtle so the text is easier to read. My immersive prototype would be something I wish would of gone better, especially the whole UI of it as when I first created it, it was very cluttered so I had to strip it right back to basics and add a better navigation and overall improve the look of it which I feel if I had more time could be even better improved upon.

Overall I really enjoyed learning about and being able to tell the story of the Apollo 11 and Americas historical mission. I also really enjoyed all our guest lectures, especially the one from big Motive as it not only helped me understand storytelling but Laura was such a big help when getting an art direction for my website.