This week in class we started looking at HTML. HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language and is used to create webpages, using elements to structure the content a certain way. These markup tags tell the browser how you want to page to be displayed to the user, using angular brackets and opening and closing tags to do this. Although as designers we may not use HTML a lot it is important to understand the fundamentals of it as this knowledge can help especially when speaking to developers about how you want the website to look.

Domain Names

The most easy explanation of it is if your website was a house, then a domain would be its address as it tells the browser where it lives. It uniquely identifies your website on the internet, you type your domain into the web browser to visit your website. They were invented as originally a computer was assigned an IP address, a series of 8 numbers (eg. that uniquely identified that computer. Although problems arose as they were quite hard to remember so they invented domain names to resolve the problem, making it quicker and easier to search for webpages.


Top-Level Domains

A top- level domain can be country specific or licensed to a particular country but there is many other such as Generic Top-level Domains, Sponsored Top-level Domains and Infrastructure Top-Level Domains. The top-level domain is everything that follows the domain name, for example, on the image above the top-level domain is .uk. Other examples of them include .com, .co,, .org, .gov or .net.


Naming Conventions

When naming elements, it is your best bet to use all lowercase or use camelCase, as when you are trying to link other files or images, trying to link images that use different cases can make it more difficult to find and use. I personally prefer to use lowercase as it makes the whole experience a lot easier, minimalises your mistakes and makes your code look cleaner. If a space is needed, simply using a dash/hyphen (-) or underscore (_) is the easiest way to represent this.

Markdown Language

Markdown is a conversion tool where plain text gets converted into HTML. It utilises easy to read and to write plain text files and then converts it to markup language that is valid such as XHTML or HTML. Examples of this is # for first level head, ## for second level head, * for italics and ** for bold.



Most tags in HTML have an opening and a closing tag. An opening tag consists of two angular brackets with the characters inside while the closing tag consists of the similar except the use of a forwards slash before the characters. Examples of tags include <p> </p>, <head></head>, <body></body>, <h1></h1>, <section><section>, <footer><footer>.