This week we looked at creating websites without using HTML and CSS mark-up to create it. We used the tool framer to do this as it allows us to use our mock up we created on Figma and paste it into Framer to be slightly altered and cleaned up.

Artificial Intelligence

We started off the session today looking at artificial intelligence and the impact it is going to have on our industry and the jobs of others in the year to come. I found this topic quite interesting as the more technology and AI that is introduced to the world, the more it is going to play a part in our lives, even to the extent of stealing our jobs. We looked up jobs using the BBC article ‘Will a Robot take your job’ and looked at what kind of jobs are in danger to robots in the coming years. I looked at a few random ones myself including a receptionist, librarian, a vet and a nurse

A librarian has a 52% because it is too close to call whether or not the job will start to disappear due to how robots and automation is not smart enough yet to complete all the jobs in a library using automation methods.

A nurse has a 1% chance of being replaced as robots and automation cant provide the same care as a human can give. Of course there is so many devices that can assist such as automated CPR devices but it is highly unlikely this will grow enough to wipe out nurses.

Humans can be empathetic, creative, generate new ideas and are strategic. This is something a computer can’t do without years of extensive development. Unlike humans, robots do not learn from their mistakes.


I took my Figma Mock up and used the plug in ‘Figma to HTML with Framer’ to copy my design into Framer.

This tool is so helpful because all I had to do was alter my design slightly within Framer so it looked correct and change the sizing of my text as at first it looked a bit too big for the web.

I also linked the top navigation bar to each section of my website using frames to group the sections like I would of used the section tag in HTML. I also adjusted the size of the external links for the social medias and website to be a bit smaller as in my Figma mock up they were massive.

The Street of Crocodiles