Creating a Landing Page

We started off looking at what we will want to include in our banking landing page such as what content, imagery, informative text or diagrams and the type of tone we should use.

Unique Selling Point

Each brand has a unique selling point or purpose and it is important this is portrayed on the landing page as this is the first thing people will see. It should tell people what problems arise in a banking and how your brand works to solve them. As each bank has different goals it is important that we look at all our values and sort them so we know the most important. I am going to do this for my own bank so I can make it clearer what my brand values the most.


We should then more on to look a things such as layout and content on our landing page. Some things to take into consideration is if the page will be image or diagram led. As I am creating a bank brand, I think mine is going to be mostly diagram led so I can show statistics about the bank. Another consideration is if we want to use a hero image at the top of our page. In my opinion these are really good for grabbing attention and I will probably choose to use one.

Some examples of brands that take their landing age layout into consideration and in my opinion does it quite well is Apple and Vans


Apple uses hero images on their websites to display the newest products they have for offer. They do this by using real images of their products showing the different styles and colours they have available as well as a number of button options so users can learn more and be sucked into the website.


Another brand who I thought did this really well is Vans. Vans using a hero image on their landing page to show their newest and trending products. Like Vans a number of other clothing brands use this tactic as a way of catching attention before making people click onto it and causing them to scroll for hours and purchase or use their products


To help us get a better idea of the overall layout we want to use whether we use hero images or not we can create basic wireframes which allow us to visually show our ideas and see what would work and what wouldn’t work. As I said before for a bank I think a hero image would be a good choice as well as information in a diagram form and everything in a nicely laid out consistent look.

Interface Inventory, Component Library & App Design



Daniel provided us with a tutorial on how to create a interface inventory and component library and how this can be used in our app design. I found this tutorial very helpful as it allowed me to learn new skills such as creating an interface inventory and being able to create my own set of components and a component library based off these buttons I had recreated. This will also be great help when I go to create my application for my bank as it will allow me to create a library of components that will all look the same and create consistency and prevent me needing to copy and paste.



We also got introduced to the tool “Use Contrast” which is a plugin tool for Figma. I think this is so useful as it allowed me to look at the colours I had used to create my components and realise the readability of some of my labels were very poor and needed changed. This will also help with overall accessibility to my app when reading and using the functions.

We also had a look at the colour blind plug in which is also very useful as it allows us to see what our chosen colours look like to someone with colour-blindness and how accessible the components are.

Why do we use an Interface Inventory?

Using an interface can help us lay the groundworks to having a good design system which is appealing and easy to use. Using an interface inventory lets us look at existing digital products and dissect the components out of them to help create a component library which will be professional and persuasive to clients as well as promoting consistency throughout your application. I think this will be really helpful for my bank app as it will allow me to keep my components and style consistent throughout and allow for a level of responsiveness throughout my project.